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Why Plo Koon Refused to Join the Jedi Council and What Made Him Join Later
How Plo Koon Initially REFUSED a Seat on the Jedi High Council! (Legends)
Why Kit Fisto Refused to Join the Jedi Council - Explain Star Wars (BessY)
What If Anakin Rejected His Promotion to the Jedi Council
Plo Koon's advice to Anakin
Who Was Plo Koon's MASTER!? - Explain Star Wars
Plo Koon's REAL Thoughts on Ahsoka Leaving the Order(CANON) - Explain Star Wars
The Rival Light Side Organisations That REFUSED To Join The Jedi Order
How Prequel Filming Changed the Jedi Council | Star Wars Production
PLO KOON Was Almost a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Character! | Star Wars Canon Explained | #Shorts
4 Quick Canon FACTS about the JEDI MASTER PLO KOON Pt. 2 | Star Wars Canon Explained | #Shorts
How Useless Were the Other Jedi on the Jedi Council?